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Documentation for Neural NARX

Utilities fo data validation.

check_X_y(X, y)

Validate input and output data using some crucial tests.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray of floats

The input data.

y ndarray of floats

The output data.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def check_X_y(X, y):
    """Validate input and output data using some crucial tests.

    X : ndarray of floats
        The input data.
    y : ndarray of floats
        The output data.

    check_length(X, y)
    check_dimension(X, y)
    check_infinity(X, y)
    check_nan(X, y)

check_dimension(X, y)

Check if X and y have only real values.

If there is any string or object samples a ValueError is raised.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray of floats

The input data.

y ndarray of floats

The output data.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def check_dimension(X, y):
    """Check if X and y have only real values.

    If there is any string or object samples a ValueError is raised.

    X : ndarray of floats
        The input data.
    y : ndarray of floats
        The output data.

    if X.ndim == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Input must be a 2d array, got scalar instead. Reshape your data using"
            " array.reshape(-1, 1)"

    if X.ndim == 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Input must be a 2d array, got 1d array instead. "
            "Reshape your data using array.reshape(-1, 1)"

    if y.ndim == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Output must be a 2d array, got scalar instead. "
            "Reshape your data using array.reshape(-1, 1)"

    if y.ndim == 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Output must be a 2d array, got 1d array instead. "
            "Reshape your data using array.reshape(-1, 1)"

check_infinity(X, y)

Check that X and y have no NaN or Inf samples.

If there is any NaN or Inf samples a ValueError is raised.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray of floats

The input data.

y ndarray of floats

The output data.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def check_infinity(X, y):
    """Check that X and y have no NaN or Inf samples.

    If there is any NaN or Inf samples a ValueError is raised.

    X : ndarray of floats
        The input data.
    y : ndarray of floats
        The output data.

    if np.isinf(X).any():
        msg_error = (
            "Input contains invalid values (e.g. NaN, Inf) on "
            f"index {np.argwhere(np.isinf(X))}"
        raise ValueError(msg_error)

    if np.isinf(y).any():
        msg_error = (
            "Output contains invalid values (e.g Inf) on "
            f"index {np.argwhere(np.isinf(y))}"
        raise ValueError(msg_error)

check_length(X, y)

Check that X and y have the same number of samples.

If the length of X and y are different a ValueError is raised.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray of floats

The input data.

y ndarray of floats

The output data.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def check_length(X, y):
    """Check that X and y have the same number of samples.

    If the length of X and y are different a ValueError is raised.

    X : ndarray of floats
        The input data.
    y : ndarray of floats
        The output data.

    if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
        msg_error = (
            "Input and output data must have the same number of "
            f"samples. X has dimension {X.shape} and "
            f"y has dimension {y.shape}"
        raise ValueError(msg_error)

check_nan(X, y)

Check that X and y have no NaN or Inf samples.

If there is any NaN or Inf samples a ValueError is raised.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray of floats

The input data.

y ndarray of floats

The output data.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def check_nan(X, y):
    """Check that X and y have no NaN or Inf samples.

    If there is any NaN or Inf samples a ValueError is raised.

    X : ndarray of floats
        The input data.
    y : ndarray of floats
        The output data.

    if np.isnan(X).any():
        msg_error = (
            "Input contains invalid values (e.g. NaN, Inf) on "
            f"index {np.argwhere(np.isnan(X))}"
        raise ValueError(msg_error)

    if not ~np.isnan(y).any():
        msg_error = (
            "Output contains invalid values (e.g. NaN, Inf) on "
            f"index {np.argwhere(np.isnan(y))}"
        raise ValueError(msg_error)


Turn seed into a np.random.RandomState instance.


Name Type Description Default
seed {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
`numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional

If seed is None (or np.random), the numpy.random.RandomState singleton is used. If seed is an int, a new RandomState instance is used, seeded with seed. If seed is already a Generator or RandomState instance then that instance is used.



Name Type Description
seed {`numpy.random.Generator`, `numpy.random.RandomState`}

Random number generator.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def check_random_state(seed):
    """Turn `seed` into a `np.random.RandomState` instance.

    seed : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
            `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
        If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
        singleton is used.
        If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
        seeded with `seed`.
        If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
        that instance is used.

    seed : {`numpy.random.Generator`, `numpy.random.RandomState`}
        Random number generator.

    if seed is None or seed is np.random:
        return np.random.mtrand._rand
    if isinstance(seed, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
        return np.random.default_rng(seed)
    if isinstance(seed, (np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator)):
        return seed

    raise ValueError(
        "%r cannot be used to seed a numpy.random.RandomState instance" % seed

Display results formatted for the user.

results(final_model=None, theta=None, err=None, n_terms=None, theta_precision=4, err_precision=8, dtype='dec')

Write the model regressors, parameters and ERR values.

This function returns the model regressors, its respective parameter and ERR value on a string matrix.


Name Type Description Default
theta_precision int (default: 4)

Precision of shown parameters values.

err_precision int (default: 8)

Precision of shown ERR values.

dtype string (default: 'dec')

Type of representation: sci - Scientific notation; dec - Decimal notation.



Name Type Description
output_matrix string

Where: First column represents each regressor element; Second column represents associated parameter; Third column represents the error reduction ratio associated to each regressor.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def results(
    """Write the model regressors, parameters and ERR values.

    This function returns the model regressors, its respective parameter
    and ERR value on a string matrix.

    theta_precision : int (default: 4)
        Precision of shown parameters values.
    err_precision : int (default: 8)
        Precision of shown ERR values.
    dtype : string (default: 'dec')
        Type of representation:
        sci - Scientific notation;
        dec - Decimal notation.

    output_matrix : string
            First column represents each regressor element;
            Second column represents associated parameter;
            Third column represents the error reduction ratio associated
            to each regressor.

    if not isinstance(theta_precision, int) or theta_precision < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"theta_precision must be integer and > zero. Got {theta_precision}."

    if not isinstance(err_precision, int) or err_precision < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"err_precision must be integer and > zero. Got {err_precision}."

    if dtype not in ("dec", "sci"):
        raise ValueError(f"dtype must be dec or sci. Got {dtype}.")

    output_matrix = []
    theta_output_format = "{:." + str(theta_precision)
    err_output_format = "{:." + str(err_precision)

    if dtype == "dec":
        theta_output_format = theta_output_format + "f}"
        err_output_format = err_output_format + "f}"
        theta_output_format = theta_output_format + "E}"
        err_output_format = err_output_format + "E}"

    for i in range(n_terms):
        if np.max(final_model[i]) < 1:
            tmp_regressor = str(1)
            regressor_dic = Counter(final_model[i])
            regressor_string = []
            for j in range(len(list(regressor_dic.keys()))):
                regressor_key = list(regressor_dic.keys())[j]
                if regressor_key < 1:
                    translated_key = ""
                    translated_exponent = ""
                    delay_string = str(
                        int(regressor_key - np.floor(regressor_key / 1000) * 1000)
                    if int(regressor_key / 1000) < 2:
                        translated_key = "y(k-" + delay_string + ")"
                        translated_key = (
                            + str(int(regressor_key / 1000) - 1)
                            + "(k-"
                            + delay_string
                            + ")"
                    if regressor_dic[regressor_key] < 2:
                        translated_exponent = ""
                        translated_exponent = "^" + str(regressor_dic[regressor_key])
                regressor_string.append(translated_key + translated_exponent)
            tmp_regressor = "".join(regressor_string)

        current_parameter = theta_output_format.format(theta[i, 0])
        current_err = err_output_format.format(err[i])
        current_output = [tmp_regressor, current_parameter, current_err]

    return output_matrix

Utilities for data generation.

get_miso_data(n=5000, colored_noise=False, sigma=0.05, train_percentage=90)

Perform the Error Reduction Ration algorithm.


Name Type Description Default
n int

The number of samples.

colored_noise bool

Select white noise or colored noise (autoregressive noise).

sigma float

The standard deviation of the random distribution to generate the noise.

train_percentage int

The percentage of the data to be used as train data.



Type Description
x_train, x_valid : array-like

The input data to be used in identification and validation, respectively.

y_train, y_valid : array-like

The output data to be used in identification and validation, respectively.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def get_miso_data(n=5000, colored_noise=False, sigma=0.05, train_percentage=90):
    """Perform the Error Reduction Ration algorithm.

    n : int
        The number of samples.
    colored_noise : bool
        Select white noise or colored noise (autoregressive noise).
    sigma : float
        The standard deviation of the random distribution to generate
        the noise.
    train_percentage : int
        The percentage of the data to be used as train data.

    x_train, x_valid : array-like
        The input data to be used in identification and validation,
    y_train, y_valid : array-like
        The output data to be used in identification and validation,

    mu = 0  # mean of the distribution
    nu = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, n).T
    e = np.zeros((n, 1))

    lag = 2
    if colored_noise is True:
        for k in range(lag, len(e)):
            e[k] = 0.8 * nu[k - 1] + nu[k]
        e = nu

    x1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, n).T
    x2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, n).T
    y = np.zeros((n, 1))
    theta = np.array([[0.4], [0.1], [0.6], [-0.3]])

    lag = 2
    for k in range(lag, len(e)):
        y[k] = (
            theta[0] * y[k - 1] ** 2
            + theta[1] * y[k - 1] * x1[k - 1]
            + theta[2] * x2[k - 1]
            + theta[3] * x1[k - 1] * x2[k - 2]
            + e[k]

    split_data = int(len(x1) * (train_percentage / 100))
    x1_train = x1[0:split_data].reshape(-1, 1)
    x2_train = x2[0:split_data].reshape(-1, 1)
    x1_valid = x1[split_data::].reshape(-1, 1)
    x2_valid = x2[split_data::].reshape(-1, 1)

    x_train = np.hstack([x1_train, x2_train])
    x_valid = np.hstack([x1_valid, x2_valid])

    y_train = y[0:split_data].reshape(-1, 1)
    y_valid = y[split_data::].reshape(-1, 1)

    return x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid

get_siso_data(n=5000, colored_noise=False, sigma=0.05, train_percentage=90)

Perform the Error Reduction Ration algorithm.


Name Type Description Default
n int

The number of samples.

colored_noise bool

Select white noise or colored noise (autoregressive noise).

sigma float

The standard deviation of the random distribution to generate the noise.

train_percentage int

The percentage of the data to be used as train data.



Type Description
x_train, x_valid : array-like

The input data to be used in identification and validation, respectively.

y_train, y_valid : array-like

The output data to be used in identification and validation, respectively.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def get_siso_data(n=5000, colored_noise=False, sigma=0.05, train_percentage=90):
    """Perform the Error Reduction Ration algorithm.

    n : int
        The number of samples.
    colored_noise : bool
        Select white noise or colored noise (autoregressive noise).
    sigma : float
        The standard deviation of the random distribution to generate
        the noise.
    train_percentage : int
        The percentage of the data to be used as train data.

    x_train, x_valid : array-like
        The input data to be used in identification and validation,
    y_train, y_valid : array-like
        The output data to be used in identification and validation,

    mu = 0  # mean of the distribution
    nu = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, n).T
    e = np.zeros((n, 1))

    lag = 2
    if colored_noise is True:
        for k in range(lag, len(e)):
            e[k] = 0.8 * nu[k - 1] + nu[k]
        e = nu

    x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, n).T
    y = np.zeros((n, 1))
    theta = np.array([[0.2], [0.1], [0.9]])
    lag = 2
    for k in range(lag, len(x)):
        y[k] = (
            theta[0] * y[k - 1]
            + theta[1] * y[k - 1] * x[k - 1]
            + theta[2] * x[k - 2]
            + e[k]

    split_data = int(len(x) * (train_percentage / 100))

    x_train = x[0:split_data].reshape(-1, 1)
    x_valid = x[split_data::].reshape(-1, 1)

    y_train = y[0:split_data].reshape(-1, 1)
    y_valid = y[split_data::].reshape(-1, 1)

    return x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid

Utils methods for NARMAX modeling.

regressor_code(*, X=None, xlag=2, ylag=2, model_type='NARMAX', model_representation=None, basis_function=None)

Generate a regressor code based on the provided parameters.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray

The input feature matrix.

xlag int

The number of lags for the input features.

ylag int

The number of lags for the target variable.

model_type str

The type of model to be used. Default is "NARMAX".

model_representation str

The model representation to be used.

basis_function object

The basis function object used to transform the regressor space.



Name Type Description
encoding ndarray

The generated regressor encoding.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def regressor_code(
    X: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    xlag: int = 2,
    ylag: int = 2,
    model_type: str = "NARMAX",
    model_representation: Optional[str] = None,
    basis_function: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Generate a regressor code based on the provided parameters.

    X : np.ndarray, optional
        The input feature matrix.
    xlag : int, optional
        The number of lags for the input features.
    ylag : int, optional
        The number of lags for the target variable.
    model_type : str, optional
        The type of model to be used. Default is "NARMAX".
    model_representation : str, optional
        The model representation to be used.
    basis_function : object, optional
        The basis function object used to transform the regressor space.

    encoding : np.ndarray
        The generated regressor encoding.
    if X is not None:
        n_inputs = _num_features(X)
        n_inputs = 1  # only used to create the regressor space base

    encoding = RegressorDictionary(
        xlag=xlag, ylag=ylag, model_type=model_type, basis_function=basis_function

    if not isinstance(basis_function, Polynomial) and basis_function.ensemble:
        repetition = basis_function.n * 2
        basis_code = np.sort(
            np.tile(encoding[1:, :], (repetition, 1)),
        encoding = np.concatenate([encoding[1:], basis_code])
    elif (
        not isinstance(basis_function, Polynomial) and basis_function.ensemble is False
        repetition = basis_function.n * 2
        encoding = np.sort(
            np.tile(encoding[1:, :], (repetition, 1)),

    if (
        isinstance(basis_function, Polynomial)
        and model_representation == "neural_network"
        return encoding[1:]
    if isinstance(basis_function, Polynomial) and model_representation is None:
        return encoding

    return encoding

set_weights(*, static_function=True, static_gain=True, start=-0.01, stop=-5, num=50, base=2.71)

Set log-spaced weights assigned to each objective in the MO optimization.


Name Type Description Default
static_function bool

Indicator for the presence of static function data. Default is True.

static_gain bool

Indicator for the presence of static gain data. Default is True.

start float

The starting exponent for the log-spaced weights. Default is -0.01.

stop float

The stopping exponent for the log-spaced weights. Default is -5.

num int

The number of weights to generate. Default is 50.

base float

The base of the logarithm used to generate weights. Default is 2.71.



Name Type Description
weights ndarray of floats

An array containing the weights for each objective.


This method calculates the weights to be assigned to different objectives in multi-objective optimization. The choice of weights depends on the presence of static function and static gain data. If both are present, a set of weights for dynamic, gain, and static objectives is computed. If either static function or static gain is absent, a simplified set of weights is generated.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def set_weights(
    static_function: bool = True,
    static_gain: bool = True,
    start: float = -0.01,
    stop: float = -5,
    num: int = 50,
    base: float = 2.71,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Set log-spaced weights assigned to each objective in the MO optimization.

    static_function : bool, optional
        Indicator for the presence of static function data. Default is True.
    static_gain : bool, optional
        Indicator for the presence of static gain data. Default is True.
    start : float, optional
        The starting exponent for the log-spaced weights. Default is -0.01.
    stop : float, optional
        The stopping exponent for the log-spaced weights. Default is -5.
    num : int, optional
        The number of weights to generate. Default is 50.
    base : float, optional
        The base of the logarithm used to generate weights. Default is 2.71.

    weights : ndarray of floats
        An array containing the weights for each objective.

    This method calculates the weights to be assigned to different objectives in
    multi-objective optimization. The choice of weights depends on the presence
    of static function and static gain data. If both are present, a set of weights
    for dynamic, gain, and static objectives is computed. If either static function
    or static gain is absent, a simplified set of weights is generated.

    w1 = np.logspace(start=start, stop=stop, num=num, base=base)
    if static_function is False or static_gain is False:
        w2 = 1 - w1
        return np.vstack([w1, w2])

    w2 = w1[::-1]
    w1_grid, w2_grid = np.meshgrid(w1, w2)
    w3_grid = 1 - (w1_grid + w2_grid)
    mask = w1_grid + w2_grid <= 1
    dynamic_weight = np.flip(w1_grid[mask])
    gain_weight = np.flip(w2_grid[mask])
    static_weight = np.flip(w3_grid[mask])
    return np.vstack([dynamic_weight, gain_weight, static_weight])

train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)

Split the time series dataset into training and testing sets.


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray

The feature matrix. Can be None if there are no features.

y ndarray

The target vector.

test_size float

The proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. Default is 0.25.



Name Type Description
X_train ndarray or None

The training set feature matrix, or None if X is None.

X_test ndarray or None

The testing set feature matrix, or None if X is None.

y_train ndarray

The training set target vector.

y_test ndarray

The testing set target vector.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def train_test_split(
    X: Optional[np.ndarray], y: np.ndarray, test_size: float = 0.25
) -> Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Split the time series dataset into training and testing sets.

    X : np.ndarray, optional
        The feature matrix. Can be None if there are no features.
    y : np.ndarray
        The target vector.
    test_size : float, optional
        The proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. Default is 0.25.

    X_train : np.ndarray or None
        The training set feature matrix, or None if X is None.
    X_test : np.ndarray or None
        The testing set feature matrix, or None if X is None.
    y_train : np.ndarray
        The training set target vector.
    y_test : np.ndarray
        The testing set target vector.
    if not 0 < test_size < 1:
        raise ValueError("test_size should be between 0 and 1")

    # Determine the split index
    split_index = int(len(y) * (1 - test_size))

    y_train, y_test = y[:split_index], y[split_index:]

    if X is None:
        return None, None, y_train, y_test

    X_train, X_test = X[:split_index], X[split_index:]

    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

Plotting methods.

plot_residues_correlation(data=None, *, figsize=(10, 6), n=100, style='default', facecolor='white', title='Residual Analysis', ylabel='Correlation')

Plot the residual validation.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def plot_residues_correlation(
    figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6),
    n: int = 100,
    style: str = "default",
    facecolor: str = "white",
    title: str = "Residual Analysis",
    ylabel: str = "Correlation",
) -> None:
    """Plot the residual validation."""
    plt.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = facecolor
    _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, facecolor=facecolor)
    ax.plot(data[0][:n], color="#1f77b4")
    ax.axhspan(data[1], data[2], color="#ccd9ff", alpha=0.5, lw=0)
    ax.set_xlabel("Lag", fontsize=14)
    ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14)
    ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_title(title, fontsize=18)

plot_results(y, *, yhat, n=100, title='Free run simulation', xlabel='Samples', ylabel='y, $\\hat{y}$', data_color='#1f77b4', model_color='#ff7f0e', marker='o', model_marker='*', linewidth=1.5, figsize=(10, 6), style='default', facecolor='white')

Plot the results of a simulation.


Name Type Description Default
y ndarray

True data values.

yhat ndarray

Model predictions.

n int

Number of samples to plot.

title str

Plot title.

'Free run simulation'
xlabel str

Label for the x-axis.

ylabel str

Label for the y-axis.

'y, $\\hat{y}$'
data_color str

Color for the data line.

model_color str

Color for the model line.

marker str

Marker style for the data line.

model_marker str

Marker style for the model line.

linewidth float

Line width for both lines.

figsize Tuple[int, int]

Figure size (width, height).

(10, 6)
style str

Matplotlib style.

facecolor str

Figure facecolor.

Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def plot_results(
    y: np.ndarray,
    yhat: np.ndarray,
    n: int = 100,
    title: str = "Free run simulation",
    xlabel: str = "Samples",
    ylabel: str = r"y, $\hat{y}$",
    data_color: str = "#1f77b4",
    model_color: str = "#ff7f0e",
    marker: str = "o",
    model_marker: str = "*",
    linewidth: float = 1.5,
    figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6),
    style: str = "default",
    facecolor: str = "white",
) -> None:
    """Plot the results of a simulation.

    y : np.ndarray
        True data values.
    yhat : np.ndarray
        Model predictions.
    n : int
        Number of samples to plot.
    title : str
        Plot title.
    xlabel : str
        Label for the x-axis.
    ylabel : str
        Label for the y-axis.
    data_color : str
        Color for the data line.
    model_color : str
        Color for the model line.
    marker : str
        Marker style for the data line.
    model_marker : str
        Marker style for the model line.
    linewidth : float
        Line width for both lines.
    figsize : Tuple[int, int]
        Figure size (width, height).
    style : str
        Matplotlib style.
    facecolor : str
        Figure facecolor.

    if len(y) == 0 or len(yhat) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Arrays must have at least 1 samples.")

    # Set Matplotlib style and figure properties
    plt.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = facecolor

    _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, facecolor=facecolor)
        y[:n], c=data_color, alpha=1, marker=marker, label="Data", linewidth=linewidth
        yhat[:n], c=model_color, marker=model_marker, label="Model", linewidth=linewidth

    # Customize plot properties
    ax.set_title(title, fontsize=18)
    ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14)
    ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14)

load_model(*, file_name='model', path=None)

Load the model from file "file_name.syspy" located at path "path".


Name Type Description Default

model to be loaded



Name Type Description
model_loaded model loaded, as a variable, containing model and its attributes
Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def load_model(
    """Load the model from file "file_name.syspy" located at path "path".

    file_name: file name (str), along with .syspy extension of the file containing
        model to be loaded
    path: location where "file_name.syspy" is (optional).

    model_loaded: model loaded, as a variable, containing model and its attributes

    # Checking if path is provided
    if path is not None:

        # Composing file_name with path
        file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name)

    # Loading the model
    with open(file_name, "rb") as fp:
        model_loaded = pk.load(fp)

    return model_loaded

save_model(*, model=None, file_name='model', path=None)

Save the model "model" in folder "folder" using an extension .syspy.


Name Type Description Default


Type Description
file file_name.syspy located at "path", containing the estimated model.
Source code in sysidentpy/utils/
def save_model(
    """Save the model "model" in folder "folder" using an extension .syspy.

    model: the model variable to be saved
    file_name: file name, along with .syspy extension
    path: location where the model will be saved (optional)

    file file_name.syspy located at "path", containing the estimated model.

    if model is None:
        raise TypeError("model cannot be None.")

    # Checking if path is provided
    if path is not None:

        # Composing file_name with path
        file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name)

    # Saving model
    with open(file_name, "wb") as fp:
        pk.dump(model, fp)