10. Case Studies
M4 Dataset¶
The M4 dataset is a well known resource for time series forecasting, offering a wide range of data series used to test and improve forecasting methods. Created for the M4 competition organized by Spyros Makridakis, this dataset has driven many advancements in forecasting techniques.
The M4 dataset includes 100,000 time series from various fields such as demographics, finance, industry, macroeconomics, and microeconomics, which were selected randomly from the ForeDeCk database. The series come in different frequencies (yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly), making it a comprehensive collection for testing forecasting methods.
In this case study, we will focus on the hourly subset of the M4 dataset. This subset consists of time series data recorded hourly, providing a detailed and high-frequency look at changes over time. Hourly data presents unique challenges due to its granularity and the potential for capturing short-term fluctuations and patterns.
The M4 dataset provides a standard benchmark to compare different forecasting methods, allowing researchers and practitioners to evaluate their models consistently. With series from various domains and frequencies, the M4 dataset represents real-world forecasting challenges, making it valuable for developing robust forecasting techniques. The competition and the dataset itself have led to the creation of new algorithms and methods, significantly improving forecasting accuracy and reliability.
We will present a end to end walkthrough using the M4 hourly dataset to demonstrate the capabilities of SysIdentPy. SysIdentPy offers a range of tools and techniques designed to effectively handle the complexities of time series data, but we will focus on fast and easy setup for this case. We will cover model selection and evaluation metrics specific to the hourly dataset.
By the end of this case study, you will have a solid understanding of how to use SysIdentPy for forecasting with the M4 hourly dataset, preparing you to tackle similar forecasting challenges in real-world scenarios.
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions.
- Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
SysIdentPy configuration¶
In this section, we will demonstrate the application of SysIdentPy to the Silver box dataset. The following code will guide you through the process of loading the dataset, configuring the SysIdentPy parameters, and building a model for mentioned system.
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.errors import SettingWithCopyWarning
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS, AOLS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial
from sysidentpy.parameter_estimation import LeastSquares
from sysidentpy.metrics import root_relative_squared_error, symmetric_mean_absolute_percentage_error
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
from datasetsforecast.m4 import M4, M4Evaluation
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=UserWarning)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=SettingWithCopyWarning)
train = pd.read_csv('https://auto-arima-results.s3.amazonaws.com/M4-Hourly.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('https://auto-arima-results.s3.amazonaws.com/M4-Hourly-test.csv').rename(columns={'y': 'y_test'})
The following plots provide a visualization of the training data for a small subset of the time series. The plot shows the raw data, giving you an insight into the patterns and behaviors inherent in each series.
By observing the data, you can get a sense of the variety and complexity of the time series we are working with. The plots can reveal important characteristics such as trends, seasonal patterns, and potential anomalies within the time series. Understanding these elements is crucial for the development of accurate forecasting models.
However, when dealing with a large number of different time series, it is common to start with broad assumptions rather than detailed individual analysis. In this context, we will adopt a similar approach. Instead of going into the specifics of each dataset, we will make some general assumptions and see how SysIdentPy handles them.
This approach provides a practical starting point, demonstrating how SysIdentPy can manage different types of time series data without too much work. As you become more familiar with the tool, you can refine your models with more detailed insights. For now, let's focus on using SysIdentPy to create the forecasts based on these initial assumptions.
Our first assumption is that there is a 24-hour seasonal pattern in the series. By examining the plots below, this seems reasonable. Therefore, we'll begin building our models with ylag=24
ax = train[train["unique_id"]=="H10"].reset_index(drop=True)["y"].plot(figsize=(15, 2), title="H10")
xcoords = [a for a in range(24, 24*30, 24)]
for xc in xcoords:
plt.axvline(x=xc, color='red', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
Lets check build a model for the H20
group before we extrapolate the settings for every group. Because there are no input features, we will be using a NAR
model type in SysIdentPy. To keep things simple and fast, we will start with Polynomial basis function with degree \(1\).
unique_id = "H20"
y_id = train[train["unique_id"]==unique_id]["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_val = test[test["unique_id"]==unique_id]["y_test"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
model = FROLS(
y_val = np.concatenate([y_id[-model.max_lag :], y_val])
y_hat = model.predict(y=y_val, forecast_horizon=48)
smape = symmetric_mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_val[model.max_lag::], y_hat[model.max_lag::])
plot_results(y=y_val[model.max_lag :], yhat=y_hat[model.max_lag :], n=30000, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Group: {unique_id} - SMAPE {round(smape, 4)}")
Probably, the result are not optimal and will not work for every group. However, let's check how this setting performs against the winner model M4 time series competition: the Exponential Smoothing with Recurrent Neural Networks (ESRNN).
esrnn_url = 'https://github.com/Nixtla/m4-forecasts/raw/master/forecasts/submission-118.zip'
esrnn_forecasts = M4Evaluation.load_benchmark('data', 'Hourly', esrnn_url)
esrnn_evaluation = M4Evaluation.evaluate('data', 'Hourly', esrnn_forecasts)
Hourly | 9.328 | 0.893 | 0.440 |
> Table 1. ESRNN SOTA results |
The following code took only 49 seconds to run on my machine (AMD Ryzen 5 5600x processor, 32GB RAM at 3600MHz). Because of its efficiency, I didn't create a parallel version. By the end of this use case, you will see how SysIdentPy can be both fast and effective, delivering good results without too much optimization.
r = []
ds_test = list(range(701, 749))
for u_id, data in train.groupby(by=["unique_id"], observed=True):
y_id = data["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
model = FROLS(
y_val = y_id[-model.max_lag :].reshape(-1, 1)
y_hat = model.predict(y=y_val, forecast_horizon=48)
except Exception:
print(f"Problem with {u_id}")
results_1 = pd.DataFrame(r, columns=["unique_id", "ds", "NARMAX_1"]).explode(['unique_id', 'ds', 'NARMAX_1'])
results_1["NARMAX_1"] = results_1["NARMAX_1"].astype(float)#.clip(lower=10)
pivot_df = results_1.pivot(index='unique_id', columns='ds', values='NARMAX_1')
results = pivot_df.to_numpy()
M4Evaluation.evaluate('data', 'Hourly', results)
Hourly | 16.034196 | 0.958083 | 0.636132 |
Table 2. First test with SysIdentPy |
The initial results are reasonable, but they don't quite match the performance of ESRNN
. These results are based solely on our first assumption. To better understand the performance, let’s examine the groups with the worst results.
The following plot illustrates two such groups, H147
and H136
. Both exhibit a 24-hour seasonal pattern.
However, a closer look reveals an additional insight: in addition to the daily pattern, these series also show a weekly pattern. Observe how the data looks like when we split the series into weekly segments.
xcoords = list(range(0, 168*5, 168))
filtered_train = train[train["unique_id"] == "H147"].reset_index(drop=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 1.5 * len(xcoords[1:])))
for i, start in enumerate(xcoords[:-1]):
end = xcoords[i + 1]
ax = fig.add_subplot(len(xcoords[1:]), 1, i + 1)
ax.set_title(f'H147 -> Slice {i+1}: Hour {start} to {end-1}')
Therefore, we will build models setting ylag=168
Note that this is a very high number for lags, so be careful if you want to try it with higher polynomial degrees because the time to run the models can increase significantly. I tried some configurations with polynomial degree equal to 2 and only took \(6\) minutes to run (even less, using
), without making the code run in parallel. As you can see, SysIdentPy can be very fast and you can make it faster by applying parallelization.
# this took 2min to run on my computer.
r = []
ds_test = list(range(701, 749))
for u_id, data in train.groupby(by=["unique_id"], observed=True):
y_id = data["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
model = FROLS(
y_val = y_id[-model.max_lag :].reshape(-1, 1)
y_hat = model.predict(y=y_val, forecast_horizon=48)
except Exception:
print(f"Problema no id {u_id}")
results_1 = pd.DataFrame(r, columns=["unique_id", "ds", "NARMAX_1"]).explode(['unique_id', 'ds', 'NARMAX_1'])
results_1["NARMAX_1"] = results_1["NARMAX_1"].astype(float)#.clip(lower=10)
pivot_df = results_1.pivot(index='unique_id', columns='ds', values='NARMAX_1')
results = pivot_df.to_numpy()
M4Evaluation.evaluate('data', 'Hourly', results)
Hourly | 10.475998 | 0.773749 | 0.446471 |
> Table 3. Improved results using SysIdentPy |
Now, the results are much closer to those of the ESRNN
model! While the Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE
) is slightly worse, the Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE
) is better when comparing against ESRNN
, leading to a very similar Overall Weighted Average (OWA
) metric. Remarkably, these results are achieved using only simple AR
models. Next, let's see if the AOLS
method can provide even better results.
r = []
ds_test = list(range(701, 749))
for u_id, data in train.groupby(by=["unique_id"], observed=True):
y_id = data["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
model = AOLS(
# due to high lag settings, k was increased to 6 as an initial guess
y_val = y_id[-model.max_lag :].reshape(-1, 1)
y_hat = model.predict(y=y_val, forecast_horizon=48)
except Exception:
print(f"Problema no id {u_id}")
results_1 = pd.DataFrame(r, columns=["unique_id", "ds", "NARMAX_1"]).explode(['unique_id', 'ds', 'NARMAX_1'])
results_1["NARMAX_1"] = results_1["NARMAX_1"].astype(float)#.clip(lower=10)
pivot_df = results_1.pivot(index='unique_id', columns='ds', values='NARMAX_1')
results = pivot_df.to_numpy()
M4Evaluation.evaluate('data', 'Hourly', results)
Hourly | 9.951141 | 0.809965 | 0.439755 |
> Table 4. SysIdentPy results using AOLS algorithm |
The Overall Weighted Average (OWA
) is even better than that of the ESRNN
model! Additionally, the AOLS
method was incredibly efficient, taking only 6 seconds to run. This combination of high performance and rapid execution makes AOLS
a compelling alternative for time series forecasting in cases with multiple series.
Before we finish, let's verify how the performance of the H147
model has improved with the ylag=168
Based on the M4 benchmark paper, we could also clip the predictions lower than 10 to 10 and the results would be slightly better. But this is left to the user.
We could achieve even better performance with some fine-tuning of the model configuration. However, I’ll leave exploring these alternative adjustments as an exercise for the user. However, keep in mind that experimenting with different settings does not always guarantee improved results. A deeper theoretical knowledge can often lead you to better configurations and, hence, better results.
Coupled Eletric Device¶
The CE8 coupled electric drives dataset - Nonlinear Benchmark presents a compelling use case for demonstrating the performance of SysIdentPy. This system involves two electric motors driving a pulley with a flexible belt, creating a dynamic environment ideal for testing system identification tools.
The nonlinear benchmark website stands as a significant contribution to the system identification and machine learning community. The users are encouraged to explore all the papers referenced on the site.
System Overview¶
The CE8 system, illustrated in Figure 1, features: - Two Electric Motors: These motors independently control the tension and speed of the belt, providing symmetrical control around zero. This enables both clockwise and counterclockwise movements. - Pulley Mechanism: The pulley is supported by a spring, introducing a lightly damped dynamic mode that adds complexity to the system. - Speed Control Focus: The primary focus is on the speed control system. The pulley’s angular speed is measured using a pulse counter, which is insensitive to the direction of the velocity.
Figure 1. CE8 system design.
Sensor and Filtering¶
The measurement process involves: - Pulse Counter: This sensor measures the angular speed of the pulley without regard to the direction. - Analogue Low Pass Filtering: This reduces high-frequency noise, followed by anti-aliasing filtering to prepare the signal for digital processing. The dynamic effects are mainly influenced by the electric drive time constants and the spring, with the low pass filtering having a minimal impact on the output.
SOTA Results¶
SysIdentPy can be used to build robust models for identifying and modeling the complex dynamics of the CE8 system. The performance will be compared against a benchmark provided by Max D. Champneys, Gerben I. Beintema, Roland Tóth, Maarten Schoukens, and Timothy J. Rogers - Baselines for Nonlinear Benchmarks, Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, 2024.
The benchmark evaluate the average metric between the two experiments. That's why the SOTA method do not have the better metric for test 1
, but it is still the best overall. The goal of this case study is not only to showcase the robustness of SysIdentPy but also provides valuable insights into its practical applications in real-world dynamic systems.
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions.
- Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
SysIdentPy configuration¶
In this section, we will demonstrate the application of SysIdentPy to the CE8 coupled electric drives dataset. This example showcases the robust performance of SysIdentPy in modeling and identifying complex dynamic systems. The following code will guide you through the process of loading the dataset, configuring the SysIdentPy parameters, and building a model for CE8 system.
This practical example will help users understand how to effectively utilize SysIdentPy for their own system identification tasks, leveraging its advanced features to handle the complexities of real-world dynamic systems. Let's dive into the code and explore the capabilities of SysIdentPy.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial, Fourier
from sysidentpy.utils.display_results import results
from sysidentpy.parameter_estimation import LeastSquares
from sysidentpy.metrics import root_mean_squared_error
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
import nonlinear_benchmarks
train_val, test = nonlinear_benchmarks.CED(atleast_2d=True)
data_train_1, data_train_2 = train_val
data_test_1, data_test_2 = test
We used the nonlinear_benchmarks
package to load the data. The user is referred to the package documentation GerbenBeintema - nonlinear_benchmarks: The official dataload for nonlinear benchmark datasets to check the details of how to use it.
The following plot detail the training and testing data of both experiments. Here we are trying to get two models, one for each experiment, that have a better performance than the mentioned baselines.
plt.title("Experiment 1: training data")
plt.title("Experiment 1: testing data")
plt.title("Experiment 2: training data")
plt.title("Experiment 2: testing data")
First, we will set the exactly same configuration to built models for both experiments. We can have better models by optimizing the configurations individually, but we will start simple.
A basic configuration of FROLS using a polynomial basis function with degree equal 2 is defined. The information criteria will be the default one, the aic
. The xlag
and ylag
are set to \(7\) in this first example.
Model for experiment 1:
y_train = data_train_1.y
y_test = data_test_1.y
x_train = data_train_1.u
x_test = data_test_1.u
n = data_test_1.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title=f"Free Run simulation. Model 1 -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}")
Model for experiment 2:
y_train = data_train_2.y
y_test = data_test_2.y
x_train = data_train_2.u
x_test = data_test_2.u
n = data_test_2.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title=f"Free Run simulation. Model 2 -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}")
The first configuration for experiment 1 is already better than the LTI ARX, LTI SS, GRU, LSTM, MLP NARX, MLP FIR, OLSTM, and the SOTA models shown in the benchmark table. Better than 8 out 11 models shown in the benchmark. For experiment 2, its better than LTI ARX, LTI SS, GRU, RNN, LSTM, OLSTM, and pNARX (7 out 11). It's a good start, but let's check if the performance improves if we set a higher lag for both xlag
and ylag
The average metric is \((0.1131 + 0.1059)/2 = 0.1095\), which is very good, but worse than the SOTA (\(0.0945\)). We will now increase the lags for x
and y
to check if we get a better model. Before increasing the lags, the information criteria is shown:
xaxis = np.arange(1, model.n_info_values + 1)
plt.plot(xaxis, model.info_values)
plt.ylabel("Information Criteria")

It can be observed that after 22 regressors, adding new regressors do not improve the model performance (considering the configuration defined for that model). Because we want to try models with higher lags and higher nonlinearity degree, the stopping criteria will be changed to err_tol
instead of information criteria. This will made the algorithm runs considerably faster.
# experiment 1
y_train = data_train_1.y
y_test = data_test_1.y
x_train = data_train_1.u
x_test = data_test_1.u
n = data_test_1.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
print(model.final_model.shape, model.err.sum())
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title=f"Free Run simulation. Model 1 -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}")
# experiment 2
y_train = data_train_2.y
y_test = data_test_2.y
x_train = data_train_2.u
x_test = data_test_2.u
n = data_test_2.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title=f"Free Run simulation. Model 2 -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}")
In the first experiment, the model showed a slight improvement, while the performance of the second experiment experienced a minor decline. Increasing the lag settings with these configurations did not result in significant changes. Therefore, let's set the polynomial degree to \(3\) and increase the number of terms to build the model to n_terms=40
if the err_tol
is not reached. It's important to note that these values are chosen empirically. We could also adjust the parameter estimation technique, the err_tol
, the model structure selection algorithm, and the basis function, among other factors. Users are encouraged to employ hyperparameter tuning techniques to find the optimal combinations of hyperparameters.
# experiment 1
y_train = data_train_1.y
y_test = data_test_1.y
x_train = data_train_1.u
x_test = data_test_1.u
n = data_test_1.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
print(model.final_model.shape, model.err.sum())
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title=f"Free Run simulation. Model 1 -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}")
# experiment 2
y_train = data_train_2.y
y_test = data_test_2.y
x_train = data_train_2.u
x_test = data_test_2.u
n = data_test_2.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title=f"Free Run simulation. Model 2 -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}")
As shown in the plot, we have surpassed the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results with an average metric of \((0.0969 + 0.0731)/2 = 0.0849\). Additionally, the metric for the first experiment matches the best model in the benchmark, and the metric for the second experiment slightly exceeds the benchmark's best model. Using the same configuration for both models, we achieved the best overall results!
The description content primarily derives from the benchmark website - Nonlinear Benchmark and associated paper - Wiener-Hammerstein benchmark with process noise. For a detailed description, readers are referred to the linked references.
The nonlinear benchmark website stands as a significant contribution to the system identification and machine learning community. The users are encouraged to explore all the papers referenced on the site.
This benchmark focuses on a Wiener-Hammerstein electronic circuit where process noise plays a significant role in distorting the output signal.
The Wiener-Hammerstein structure is a well-known block-oriented system which contains a static nonlinearity sandwiched between two Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) blocks (Figure 2). This arrangement presents a challenging identification problem due to the presence of these LTI blocks.
Figure 2: the Wiener-Hammerstein system
In Figure 2, the Wiener-Hammerstein system is illustrated with process noise \(e_x(t)\) entering before the static nonlinearity \(f(x)\), sandwiched between LTI blocks represented by \(R(s)\) and \(S(s)\) at the input and output, respectively. Additionally, small, negligible noise sources \(e_u(t)\) and \(e_y(t)\) affect the measurement channels. The measured input and output signals are denoted as \(u_m(t)\) and \(y_m(t)\).
The first LTI block \(R(s)\) is effectively modeled as a third-order lowpass filter. The second LTI subsystem \(S(s)\) is configured as an inverse Chebyshev filter with a stop-band attenuation of \(40 dB\) and a cutoff frequency of \(5 kHz\). Notably, \(S(s)\) includes a transmission zero within the operational frequency range, complicating its inversion.
The static nonlinearity \(f(x)\) is implemented using a diode-resistor network, resulting in saturation nonlinearity. Process noise \(e_x(t)\) is introduced as filtered white Gaussian noise, generated from a discrete-time third-order lowpass Butterworth filter followed by zero-order hold and analog low-pass reconstruction filtering with a cutoff of \(20 kHz\).
Measurement noise sources \(e_u(t)\) and \(e_y(t)\) are minimal compared to \(e_x(t)\). The system's inputs and process noise are generated using an Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG), specifically the Agilent/HP E1445A, sampling at \(78125 Hz\), synchronized with an acquisition system (Agilent/HP E1430A) to ensure phase coherence and prevent leakage errors. Buffering between the acquisition cards and the system's inputs and outputs minimizes measurement equipment distortion.
The benchmark provides two standard test signals through the benchmarking website: a random phase multisine and a sine-sweep signal. Both signals have an \(rms\) value of \(0.71 Vrms\) and cover frequencies from DC to \(15 kHz\) (excluding DC). The sine-sweep spans this frequency range at a rate of \(4.29 MHz/min\). These test sets serve as targets for evaluating the model's performance, emphasizing accurate representation under varied conditions.
The Wiener-Hammerstein benchmark highlights three primary nonlinear system identification challenges:
- Process Noise: Significant in the system, influencing output fidelity.
- Static Nonlinearity: Indirectly accessible from measured data, posing identification challenges.
- Output Dynamics: Complex inversion due to transmission zero presence in \(S(s)\).
The goal of this benchmark is to develop and validate robust models using separate estimation data, ensuring accurate characterization of the Wiener-Hammerstein system's behavior.
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions.
- Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
SysIdentPy configuration¶
In this section, we will demonstrate the application of SysIdentPy to the Wiener-Hammerstein system dataset. The following code will guide you through the process of loading the dataset, configuring the SysIdentPy parameters, and building a model for Wiener-Hammerstein system.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS, AOLS, MetaMSS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial, Fourier
from sysidentpy.utils.display_results import results
from sysidentpy.parameter_estimation import LeastSquares, BoundedVariableLeastSquares, NonNegativeLeastSquares, LeastSquaresMinimalResidual
from sysidentpy.metrics import root_mean_squared_error
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
import nonlinear_benchmarks
train_val, test = nonlinear_benchmarks.WienerHammerBenchMark(atleast_2d=True)
x_train, y_train = train_val
x_test, y_test = test
We used the nonlinear_benchmarks
package to load the data. The user is referred to the package documentation to check the details of how to use it.
The following plot detail the training and testing data of the experiment.
plot_n = 800
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
plt.title("Experiment: training data")
plt.legend(["x_train", "y_train"])
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
plt.title("Experiment: testing data")
plt.legend(["x_test", "y_test"])
The goal of this benchmark it to get a model that have a better performance than the SOTA model provided in the benchmarking paper.
State of the art results presented in the benchmarking paper. In this section we are only working with the Wiener-Hammerstein results, which are presented in the \(W-H\) column.
We will start with a basic configuration of FROLS using a polynomial basis function with degree equal 2. The xlag
and ylag
are set to \(7\) in this first example. Because the dataset is considerably large, we will start with n_info_values=50
. This means the FROLS algorithm will not include all regressors when calculating the information criteria used to determine the model order. While this approach might result in a sub-optimal model, it is a reasonable starting point for our first attempt.
n = test.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
rmse_sota = rmse/y_test.std()
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=1000, title=f"SysIdentPy -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}, NRMSE: {round(rmse_sota, 4)}")
The first configuration is already better than the SOTA models shown in the benchmark table! We started using xlag=ylag=7
to have an idea of how well SysIdentPy would handle this dataset, but the results are pretty good already! However, the benchmarking paper indicates that they used higher lags for their models. Let's check what happens if we set xlag=ylag=10
x_train, y_train = train_val
x_test, y_test = test
n = test.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
rmse_sota = rmse/y_test.std()
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=1000, title=f"SysIdentPy -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}, NRMSE: {round(rmse_sota, 4)}")
The performance is even better now! For now, we are not worried about the model complexity (even in this case where we are comparing to a deep state neural network...). However, if we check the model order and the AIC
plot, we see that the model have 50 regressors , but the AIC
values do not change much after each added regression.
So, what happens if we set a model with half of the regressors?
x_train, y_train = train_val
x_test, y_test = test
n = test.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
rmse_sota = rmse/y_test.std()
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=1000, title=f"SysIdentPy -> RMSE: {round(rmse, 4)}, NRMSE: {round(rmse_sota, 4)}")
As shown in the figure above, the results still outperform the SOTA models presented in the benchmarking paper. The SOTA results from the paper could likely be improved as well. Users are encouraged to explore the deepsysid package, which can be used to build deep state neural networks.
This basic configuration can serve as a starting point for users to develop even better models using SysIdentPy. Give it a try!
Air Passenger Demand Forecasting - A Benchmarking¶
In this case study, we explore the capabilities of SysIdentPy by applying it to the Air Passenger dataset, a classic time series dataset widely used for evaluating time series forecasting methods. The primary goal of this analysis is to demonstrate that SysIdentPy can serve as a strong alternative for time series modeling, rather than to assert that one library is superior to another.
Dataset Overview¶
The Air Passenger dataset consists of monthly totals of international airline passengers from 1949 to 1960. This dataset is characterized by its strong seasonal patterns, trend components, and variability, making it an ideal benchmark for evaluating various time series forecasting methods. Specifically, the dataset includes:
- Total Monthly Passengers: The number of passengers (in thousands) for each month.
- Time Period: From January 1949 to December 1960, providing 144 data points.
The dataset exhibits clear seasonal fluctuations and a trend, which poses a significant challenge for forecasting methods. It serves as a well-known benchmark for assessing the performance of different time series models due to its inherent complexity and well-documented behavior.
Comparison with Other Libraries¶
We will compare the performance of SysIdentPy with other popular time series modeling libraries, focusing on the following tools:
- sktime: An extensive library for time series analysis in Python, offering various modeling techniques. For this case study, we will use:
: Automatically selects the best ARIMA model based on the data.BATS
(Bayesian Structural Time Series): A model that captures complex seasonal patterns and trends.TBATS
(Trigonometric, Box-Cox, ARMA, Trend, and Seasonal): A model designed to handle multiple seasonal patterns.Exponential Smoothing
: A method that applies weighted averages to forecast future values.Prophet
: Developed by Facebook, it is particularly effective for capturing seasonality and holiday effects.-
(Automatic Exponential Smoothing): Selects the best exponential smoothing model for the data. -
SysIdentPy: A library designed for system identification and time series modeling. We will focus on:
(Meta-heuristic Model Structure Selection): Uses metaheuristic algorithms to select the best model structure.AOLS
(Accelerated Orthogonal Least Squares): A method for selecting relevant regressors in a model.FROLS
(Forward Regression with Orthogonal Least Squares, using polynomial base functions): A regression technique for model structure selection with polynomial terms.NARXNN
(Nonlinear Auto-Regressive model with Exogenous Inputs using Neural Networks): A flexible method for modeling nonlinear time series with external inputs.
The objective of this case study is to evaluate and compare the performance of these methods on the Air Passenger dataset. We aim to assess how well each library handles the complex seasonal and trend components of the data and to showcase SysIdentPy as a viable option for time series forecasting.
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions. This practice isolates your project’s dependencies and prevents version conflicts with other projects or system-wide packages. Additionally, be aware that some packages, such as
, may install several dependencies automatically during their installation. Setting up a virtual environment helps manage these dependencies more effectively and keeps your project environment clean and reproducible. - Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
Let's begin by importing the necessary packages and setting up the environment for this analysis.
from warnings import simplefilter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal.signaltools
def _centered(arr, newsize):
# Return the center newsize portion of the array.
# this is needed due a conflict error using the versions of the packages defined
# for this example
newsize = np.asarray(newsize)
currsize = np.array(arr.shape)
startind = (currsize - newsize) // 2
endind = startind + newsize
myslice = [slice(startind[k], endind[k]) for k in range(len(endind))]
return arr[tuple(myslice)]
scipy.signal.signaltools._centered = _centered
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import AOLS
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import MetaMSS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
from torch import nn
from sysidentpy.neural_network import NARXNN
from sktime.datasets import load_airline
from sktime.forecasting.ets import AutoETS
from sktime.forecasting.arima import ARIMA, AutoARIMA
from sktime.forecasting.base import ForecastingHorizon
from sktime.forecasting.exp_smoothing import ExponentialSmoothing
from sktime.forecasting.fbprophet import Prophet
from sktime.forecasting.tbats import TBATS
from sktime.forecasting.bats import BATS
from sktime.forecasting.model_selection import temporal_train_test_split
from sktime.performance_metrics.forecasting import mean_squared_error
from sktime.utils.plotting import plot_series
from neuralprophet import NeuralProphet
from neuralprophet import set_random_seed
simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
%matplotlib inline
loss = mean_squared_error
We use the sktime
method to load the data. Besides, 23 samples is used as test data, following the definitions in the sktime
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23) # 23 samples for testing
plot_series(y_train, y_test, labels=["y_train", "y_test"])
fh = ForecastingHorizon(y_test.index, is_relative=False)
print(y_train.shape[0], y_test.shape[0])
The following image shows the data of the system to be modeled.
Because we have several different models to test, the results are summarized in the following table. The user you will see that no hyperparameter tuning was made for SysIdentPy model. The idea here is to show how simple it can be to build good models in SysIdentPy.
No. | Package | Mean Squared Error |
1 | SysIdentPy (Neural Model) | 316.54 |
2 | SysIdentPy (MetaMSS) | 450.99 |
3 | SysIdentPy (AOLS) | 476.64 |
4 | NeuralProphet | 501.24 |
5 | SysIdentPy (FROLS) | 805.95 |
6 | Exponential Smoothing | 910.52 |
7 | Prophet | 1186.00 |
8 | AutoArima | 1714.47 |
9 | Manual Arima | 2085.42 |
10 | ETS | 2590.05 |
11 | BATS | 7286.64 |
12 | TBATS | 7448.43 |
SysIdentPy: FROLS¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
y_train = y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = y_test.values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
sysidentpy = FROLS(
ylag=13, # the lags for all models will be 13
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-sysidentpy.max_lag :], y_test])
yhat = sysidentpy.predict(y=y_test, forecast_horizon=23)
frols_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[sysidentpy.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[sysidentpy.max_lag :]),
plot_results(y=y_test[sysidentpy.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[sysidentpy.max_lag :])
>>> 805.95
SysIdentPy: AOLS¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
y_train = y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = y_test.values.reshape(-1, 1)
df_train, df_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
df_train = df_train.reset_index()
df_train.columns = ["ds", "y"]
df_train["ds"] = pd.to_datetime(df_train["ds"].astype(str))
df_test = df_test.reset_index()
df_test.columns = ["ds", "y"]
df_test["ds"] = pd.to_datetime(df_test["ds"].astype(str))
sysidentpy_AOLS = AOLS(
ylag=13, k=2, L=1, model_type="NAR", basis_function=basis_function
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :], y_test])
yhat = sysidentpy_AOLS.predict(y=y_test, steps_ahead=None, forecast_horizon=23)
aols_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :]),
plot_results(y=y_test[sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :])
>>> 476.64
SysIdentPy: MetaMSS¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
y_train = y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = y_test.values.reshape(-1, 1)
sysidentpy_metamss = MetaMSS(
basis_function=basis_function, ylag=13, model_type="NAR", test_size=0.17
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :], y_test])
yhat = sysidentpy_metamss.predict(y=y_test, steps_ahead=None, forecast_horizon=23)
metamss_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :]),
y=y_test[sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :]
>>> 450.99
SysIdentPy: Neural NARX¶
The network architecture is just the same as the one used in to show how to build a Neural NARX model in SysIdentPy docs.
import torch
y = load_airline()
# the split here will use 36 as test size just because the network will use the first values as initial conditions. It could be done like the others methods by concatenating the values
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=36)
y_train = y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = y_test.values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_train = np.zeros_like(y_train)
x_test = np.zeros_like(y_test)
class NARX(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.lin = nn.Linear(13, 20)
self.lin2 = nn.Linear(20, 20)
self.lin3 = nn.Linear(20, 20)
self.lin4 = nn.Linear(20, 1)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def forward(self, xb):
z = self.lin(xb)
z = self.relu(z)
z = self.lin2(z)
z = self.relu(z)
z = self.lin3(z)
z = self.relu(z)
z = self.lin4(z)
return z
narx_net = NARXNN(
optim_params={}, # optional parameters of the optimizer
yhat = narx_net.predict(y=y_test, forecast_horizon=23)
narxnet_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[narx_net.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[narx_net.max_lag :]),
plot_results(y=y_test[narx_net.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[narx_net.max_lag :])
sktime models¶
The following models are the ones available in the sktime package.
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23) # 23 samples for testing
plot_series(y_train, y_test, labels=["y_train", "y_test"])
fh = ForecastingHorizon(y_test.index, is_relative=False)
sktime: Exponential Smoothing¶
es = ExponentialSmoothing(trend="add", seasonal="multiplicative", sp=12)
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
y_pred_es = es.predict(fh)
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_es, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
es_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_es)
>>> 910.46
sktime: AutoETS¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
ets = AutoETS(auto=True, sp=12, n_jobs=-1)
y_pred_ets = ets.predict(fh)
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_ets, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
ets_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_ets)
>>> 1739.11
sktime: AutoArima¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
auto_arima = AutoARIMA(sp=12, suppress_warnings=True)
y_pred_auto_arima = auto_arima.predict(fh)
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_auto_arima, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
autoarima_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_auto_arima)
>>> 1714.47
sktime: Arima¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
manual_arima = ARIMA(
order=(13, 1, 0), suppress_warnings=True
) # seasonal_order=(0, 1, 0, 12)
y_pred_manual_arima = manual_arima.predict(fh)
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_manual_arima, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
manualarima_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_manual_arima)
>>> 2085.42
sktime: BATS¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
bats = BATS(sp=12, use_trend=True, use_box_cox=False)
y_pred_bats = bats.predict(fh)
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_bats, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
bats_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_bats)
>>> 7286.64
sktime: TBATS¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
tbats = TBATS(sp=12, use_trend=True, use_box_cox=False)
y_pred_tbats = tbats.predict(fh)
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_tbats, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
tbats_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_tbats)
>>> 7448.43
sktime: Prophet¶
y = load_airline()
y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=23)
z = y.copy()
z = z.to_timestamp(freq="M")
z_train, z_test = temporal_train_test_split(z, test_size=23)
prophet = Prophet(
n_changepoints=int(len(y_train) / 12),
add_country_holidays={"country_name": "Germany"},
y_pred_prophet = prophet.predict(fh.to_relative(cutoff=y_train.index[-1]))
y_pred_prophet.index = y_test.index
plot_series(y_test, y_pred_prophet, labels=["y_test", "y_pred"])
prophet_loss = loss(y_test, y_pred_prophet)
>>> 1186.00
Neural Prophet¶
df = pd.read_csv(r".\datasets\air_passengers.csv")
m = NeuralProphet(seasonality_mode="multiplicative")
df_train = df.iloc[:-23, :].copy()
df_test = df.iloc[-23:, :].copy()
m = NeuralProphet(seasonality_mode="multiplicative")
metrics = m.fit(df_train, freq="MS")
future = m.make_future_dataframe(
df_train, periods=23, n_historic_predictions=len(df_train)
forecast = m.predict(future)
neuralprophet_loss = loss(forecast["yhat1"].values[-23:], df_test["y"].values)
>>> 501.24
The final results can be summarized as follows, resulting in the table presented in the beginning of this case study:
results = {
"Exponential Smoothing": es_loss,
"ETS": ets_loss,
"AutoArima": autoarima_loss,
"Manual Arima": manualarima_loss,
"BATS": bats_loss,
"TBATS": tbats_loss,
"Prophet": prophet_loss,
"SysIdentPy (Polynomial Model)": frols_loss,
"SysIdentPy (Neural Model)": narxnet_loss,
"SysIdentPy (AOLS)": aols_loss,
"SysIdentPy (MetaMSS)": metamss_loss,
"NeuralProphet": neuralprophet_loss,
sorted(results.items(), key=lambda result: result[1])
System With Hysteresis - Modeling a Magneto-rheological Damper Device¶
The memory effects between quasi-static input and output make the modeling of hysteretic systems very difficult. Physics-based models are often used to describe the hysteresis loops, but these models usually lack the simplicity and efficiency required in practical applications involving system characterization, identification, and control. As detailed in Martins, S. A. M. and Aguirre, L. A. - Sufficient conditions for rate-independent hysteresis in autoregressive identified models, NARX models have proven to be a feasible choice to describe the hysteresis loops. See Chapter 8 for a detailed background. However, even considering the sufficient conditions for rate independent hysteresis representation, classical structure selection algorithms fails to return a model with decent performance and the user needs to set a multi-valued function to ensure the occurrence of the bounding structure \(\mathcal{H}\) (Martins, S. A. M. and Aguirre, L. A. - Sufficient conditions for rate-independent hysteresis in autoregressive identified models).
Even though some progress has been made, previous work has been limited to models with a single equilibrium point. The present case study aims to present new prospects in the model structure selection of hysteretic systems regarding the cases where the models have multiple inputs and it is not restricted concerning the number of equilibrium points. For that, the MetaMSS algorithm will be used to build a model for a magneto-rheological damper (MRD) considering the mentioned sufficient conditions.
A Brief description of the Bouc-Wen model of magneto-rheological damper device¶
The data used in this study-case is the Bouc-Wen model (Bouc, R - Forced Vibrations of a Mechanical System with Hysteresis), (Wen, Y. X. - Method for Random Vibration of Hysteretic Systems) of an MRD whose schematic diagram is shown in the figure below.
The model for a magneto-rheological damper proposed by Spencer, B. F. and Sain, M. K. - Controlling buildings: a new frontier in feedback.
The general form of the Bouc-Wen model can be described as (Spencer, B. F. and Sain, M. K. - Controlling buildings: a new frontier in feedback):
where \(z\) is the hysteretic model output, \(x\) the input and \(g[\cdot]\) a nonlinear function of \(x\), \(z\) and \(sign (dx/dt)\). (Spencer, B. F. and Sain, M. K. - Controlling buildings: a new frontier in feedback) proposed the following phenomenological model for the aforementioned device:
where \(f\) is the damping force, \(c_1\) and \(c_0\) represent the viscous coefficients, \(E\) is the input voltage, \(x\) is the displacement and \(\dot{x}\) is the velocity of the model. The parameters of the system (see table below) were taken from Leva, A. and Piroddi, L. - NARX-based technique for the modelling of magneto-rheological damping devices.
Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value |
\(c_{0_a}\) | \(20.2 \, N \, s/cm\) | \(\alpha_{a}\) | \(44.9 \, N/cm\) |
\(c_{0_b}\) | \(2.68 \, N \, s/cm \, V\) | \(\alpha_{b}\) | \(638 \, N/cm\) |
\(c_{1_a}\) | \(350 \, N \, s/cm\) | \(\gamma\) | \(39.3 \, cm^{-2}\) |
\(c_{1_b}\) | \(70.7 \, N \, s/cm \, V\) | \(\beta\) | \(39.3 \, cm^{-2}\) |
\(k_{0}\) | \(15 \, N/cm\) | \(n\) | \(2\) |
\(k_{1}\) | \(5.37 \, N/cm\) | \(\eta\) | \(251 \, s^{-1}\) |
\(x_{0}\) | \(0 \, cm\) | \(A\) | \(47.2\) |
For this particular study, both displacement and voltage inputs, \(x\) and \(E\), respectively, were generated by filtering a white Gaussian noise sequence using a Blackman-Harris FIR filter with \(6\)Hz cutoff frequency. The integration step-size was set to \(h = 0.002\), following the procedures described in Martins, S. A. M. and Aguirre, L. A. - Sufficient conditions for rate-independent hysteresis in autoregressive identified models. These procedures are for identification purposes only since the inputs of a MRD could have several different characteristics.
The data used in this example is provided by the Professor Samir Angelo Milani Martins.
The challenges are:
- it possesses a nonlinearity featuring memory, i.e. a dynamic nonlinearity;
- the nonlinearity is governed by an internal variable z(t), which is not measurable;
- the nonlinear functional form in the Bouc Wen equation is nonlinear in the parameter;
- the nonlinear functional form in the Bouc Wen equation does not admit a finite Taylor series expansion because of the presence of absolute values
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions.
- Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
SysIdentPy Configuration¶
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler, MinMaxScaler
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial
from sysidentpy.utils.display_results import results
from sysidentpy.parameter_estimation import LeastSquares
from sysidentpy.metrics import root_relative_squared_error
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
df = pd.read_csv("boucwen_histeretic_system.csv")
scaler_x = MaxAbsScaler()
scaler_y = MaxAbsScaler()
init = 400
x_train = df[["E", "v"]].iloc[init:df.shape[0]//2, :]
x_train["sign_v"] = np.sign(df["v"])
x_train = scaler_x.fit_transform(x_train)
x_test = df[["E", "v"]].iloc[df.shape[0]//2 + 1:df.shape[0] - init, :]
x_test["sign_v"] = np.sign(df["v"])
x_test = scaler_x.transform(x_test)
y_train = df[["f"]].iloc[init:df.shape[0]//2, :].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_train = scaler_y.fit_transform(y_train)
y_test = df[["f"]].iloc[df.shape[0]//2 + 1:df.shape[0] - init, :].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = scaler_y.transform(y_test)
# Plotting the data
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plt.suptitle('Identification (training) data', fontsize=16)
plt.plot(y_train, 'k')
plt.ylabel('Force - Output')
plt.axis([0, 1500, -1.5, 1.5])
plt.plot(x_train[:, 0], 'k')
plt.ylabel('Control Voltage')
plt.axis([0, 1500, 0, 1])
plt.plot(x_train[:, 1], 'k')
plt.axis([0, 1500, -1.5, 1.5])
plt.plot(x_train[:, 2], 'k')
plt.axis([0, 1500, -1.5, 1.5])
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])
Let's check how is the histeretic behavior considering each input:
Now, we can just build a NARX model:
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = FROLS(
xlag=[[1], [1], [1]],
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag :, :])
rrse = root_relative_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat[model.max_lag :])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title="FROLS: sign(v) and MaxAbsScaler")
>>> 0.0450
If we remove the sign(v)
input and try to build a NARX model using the same configuration, the model diverge, as can be seen in the following figure:
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = FROLS(
xlag=[[1], [1]],
model.fit(X=x_train[:, :2], y=y_train)
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test[:, :2], y=y_test[:model.max_lag :, :])
rrse = root_relative_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat[model.max_lag :])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title="FROLS: MaxAbsScaler, discarding sign(v)")
>>> nan
If we use the MetaMSS
algorithm instead, the results are better.
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import MetaMSS
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = MetaMSS(
xlag=[[1], [1]],
model.fit(X=x_train[:, :2], y=y_train)
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test[:, :2], y=y_test[:model.max_lag :, :])
rrse = root_relative_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat[model.max_lag :])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title="MetaMSS: MaxAbsScaler, discarding sign(v)")
>>> 0.24
However, when the output of the system reach its minimum value, the model oscillate
If we add the sign(v)
input again and use MetaMSS
, the results are very close to the FROLS
algorithm with all inputs
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = MetaMSS(
xlag=[[1], [1], [1]],
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag :, :])
rrse = root_relative_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat[model.max_lag :])
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=10000, title="MetaMSS: sign(v) and MaxAbsScaler")
>>> 0.0554
This case will also highlight the significance of data scaling. Previously, we used the MaxAbsScaler
method, which resulted in great models when using the sign(v)
inputs, but also resulted in unstable models when removing that input feature. When scaling is applied using MinMaxScaler
, however, the overall stability of the results improves, and the model does not diverge, even when the sign(v)
input is removed, using the FROLS
The user can get the results bellow by just changing the data scaling method using
and running the each model again. That is the only change to improve the results.
FROLS: with
. RMSE: 0.1159
FROLS: discarding
and using MinMaxScaler
. RMSE: 0.1639
MetaMSS: discarding
and usingMinMaxScaler
. RMSE: 0.1762
MetaMSS: including
and usingMinMaxScaler
. RMSE: 0.0694
In contrast, the MetaMSS method returned the best model overall, but not better than the best FROLS
method using MaxAbsScaler
Here is the predicted histeretic loop:
Silver box¶
The description content mainly derives (copy and paste) from the associated paper - Three free data sets for development and benchmarking in nonlinear system identification. For a detailed description, readers are referred to the linked reference.
The Silverbox system can be seen as an electronic implementation of the Duffing oscillator. It is build as a 2nd order linear time-invariant system with a 3rd degree polynomial static nonlinearity around it in feedback. This type of dynamics are, for instance, often encountered in mechanical systems Nonlinear Benchmark - Silverbox.
In this case study, we will create a NARX model for the Silver box benchmark. The Silver box represents a simplified version of mechanical oscillating processes, which are a critical category of nonlinear dynamic systems. Examples include vehicle suspensions, where shock absorbers and progressive springs play vital roles. The data generated by the Silver box provides a simplified representation of such combined components. The electrical circuit generating this data closely approximates, but does not perfectly match, the idealized models described below.
As described in the original paper, the system was excited using a general waveform generator (HPE1445A). The input signal begins as a discrete-time signal \(r(k)\), which is converted to an analog signal \(r_c(t)\) using zero-order-hold reconstruction. The actual excitation signal \(u_0(t)\) is then obtained by passing \(r_c(t)\) through an analog low-pass filter \(G(p)\) to eliminate high-frequency content around multiples of the sampling frequency. Here, \(p\) denotes the differentiation operator. Thus, the input is given by:
The input and output signals were measured using HP1430A data acquisition cards, with synchronized clocks for the acquisition and generator cards. The sampling frequency was:
The silver box uses analog electrical circuitry to generate data representing a nonlinear mechanical resonating system with a moving mass \(m\), viscous damping \(d\), and a nonlinear spring \(k(y)\). The electrical circuit is designed to relate the displacement \(y(t)\) (the output) to the force \(u(t)\) (the input) by the following differential equation:
The nonlinear progressive spring is described by a static, position-dependent stiffness:
The signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high to model the system without accounting for measurement noise. However, measurement noise can be included by replacing \(y(t)\) with the artificial variable \(x(t)\) in the equation above, and introducing disturbances \(w(t)\) and \(e(t)\) as follows:
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions.
- Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
SysIdentPy configuration¶
In this section, we will demonstrate the application of SysIdentPy to the Silver box dataset. The following code will guide you through the process of loading the dataset, configuring the SysIdentPy parameters, and building a model for mentioned system.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial, Fourier
from sysidentpy.parameter_estimation import LeastSquares
from sysidentpy.metrics import root_mean_squared_error
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
import nonlinear_benchmarks
train_val, test = nonlinear_benchmarks.Silverbox(atleast_2d=True)
x_train, y_train = train_val.u, train_val.y
test_multisine, test_arrow_full, test_arrow_no_extrapolation = test
x_test, y_test = test_multisine.u, test_multisine.y
n = test_multisine.state_initialization_window_length
We used the nonlinear_benchmarks
package to load the data. The user is referred to the package documentation - GerbenBeintema/nonlinear_benchmarks: The official dataload for http://www.nonlinearbenchmark.org/ (github.com) to check the details of how to use it.
The following plot detail the training and testing data of the experiment.
plt.plot(y_train, alpha=0.3)
plt.title("Experiment 1: training data")
plt.plot(y_test, alpha=0.3)
plt.title("Experiment 1: testing data")
plt.plot(test_arrow_full.y, alpha=0.3)
plt.title("Experiment 2: training data")
plt.plot(test_arrow_no_extrapolation.y, alpha=0.2)
plt.title("Experiment 2: testing data")
Important Note
The goal of this benchmark is to develop a model that outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) model presented in the benchmarking paper. However, the results in the paper differ from those provided in the GitHub repository.
nx | Set | NRMS | RMS (mV) |
2 | Train | 0.10653 | 5.8103295 |
2 | Validation | 0.11411 | 6.1938068 |
2 | Test | 0.19151 | 10.2358533 |
2 | Test (no extra) | 0.12284 | 5.2789727 |
4 | Train | 0.03571 | 1.9478290 |
4 | Validation | 0.03922 | 2.1286373 |
4 | Test | 0.12712 | 6.7943448 |
4 | Test (no extra) | 0.05204 | 2.2365904 |
8 | Train | 0.03430 | 1.8707026 |
8 | Validation | 0.03732 | 2.0254112 |
8 | Test | 0.10826 | 5.7865255 |
8 | Test (no extra) | 0.04743 | 2.0382715 |
> Table: results presented in the github. |
It appears that the values shown in the paper actually represent the training time, not the error metrics. I will contact the authors to confirm this information. According to the Nonlinear Benchmark website, the information is as follows:
where the values in the "Training time" column matches the ones presented as error metrics in the paper.
While we await confirmation of the correct values for this benchmark, we will demonstrate the performance of SysIdentPy. However, we will refrain from making any comparisons or attempting to improve the model at this stage.
We will start (as we did in every other case study) with a basic configuration of FROLS using a polynomial basis function with degree equal 2. The xlag
and ylag
are set to \(7\) in this first example. Because the dataset is considerably large, we will start with n_info_values=40
. Because we dealing with a large training dataset, we will use the err_tol
instead of information criteria to have a faster performance. We will also set n_terms=40
, which means that the search will stop if the err_tol
is reached or 40 regressors is tested in the ERR
algorithm. While this approach might result in a sub-optimal model, it is a reasonable starting point for our first attempt. There are three different experiments: multisine, arrow (full), and arrow (no extrapolation).
x_train, y_train = train_val.u, train_val.y
test_multisine, test_arrow_full, test_arrow_no_extrapolation = test
x_test, y_test = test_multisine.u, test_multisine.y
n = test_multisine.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=2)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-model.max_lag:], y_test])
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-model.max_lag:], x_test])
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
nrmse = rmse/y_test.std()
rmse_mv = 1000 * rmse
print(nrmse, rmse_mv)
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=30000, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Multisine. Model -> RMSE (x1000) mv: {round(rmse_mv, 4)}")
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=300, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Multisine. Model -> RMSE (x1000) mv: {round(rmse_mv, 4)}")
> 0.1423804033714937
> 7.727682109791501
x_train, y_train = train_val.u, train_val.y
test_multisine, test_arrow_full, test_arrow_no_extrapolation = test
x_test, y_test = test_arrow_full.u, test_arrow_full.y
n = test_arrow_full.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
# we will not concatente the last values from train data to use as initial condition here because
# this test data have a very different behavior.
# However, if you want you can do that and you will see that the model will still perform
# great after a few iterations
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
nrmse = rmse/y_test.std()
rmse_mv = 1000 * rmse
print(nrmse, rmse_mv)
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=30000, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Arrow (full). Model -> RMSE (x1000) mv: {round(rmse_mv, 4)}")
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=300, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Arrow (full). Model -> RMSE (x1000) mv: {round(rmse_mv, 4)}")
x_train, y_train = train_val.u, train_val.y
test_multisine, test_arrow_full, test_arrow_no_extrapolation = test
x_test, y_test = test_arrow_no_extrapolation.u, test_arrow_no_extrapolation.y
n = test_arrow_no_extrapolation.state_initialization_window_length
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=3)
model = FROLS(
model.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
yhat = model.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test[:model.max_lag, :])
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_test[model.max_lag + n :], yhat[model.max_lag + n:])
nrmse = rmse/y_test.std()
rmse_mv = 1000 * rmse
print(nrmse, rmse_mv)
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=30000, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Arrow (no extrapolation). Model -> RMSE (x1000) mv: {round(rmse_mv, 4)}")
plot_results(y=y_test[model.max_lag :], yhat=yhat[model.max_lag :], n=300, figsize=(15, 4), title=f"Free Run simulation. Model -> RMSE (x1000) mv: {round(rmse_mv, 4)}")
F-16 Ground Vibration Test Benchmark¶
The following examples are intended to demonstrate the application of SysIdentPy on a real-world dataset. Please note that these examples are not aimed at replicating the results presented in the cited manuscripts. The model parameters, such as ylag
and xlag
, as well as the size of the identification and validation data sets, differ from those used in the original studies. Additionally, adjustments related to sampling rates and other data preparation steps are not covered in this notebook.
For a comprehensive reference regarding the F-16 Ground Vibration Test benchmark, please visit the nonlinear benchmark website.
Note: This notebook serves as a preliminary demonstration of SysIdentPy's performance on the F-16 dataset. A more detailed analysis will be provided in a future publication. The nonlinear benchmark website offers valuable resources and references related to system identification and machine learning, and readers are encouraged to explore the papers and information available there.
Benchmark Overview¶
The F-16 Ground Vibration Test benchmark is a notable experiment in the field of system identification and nonlinear dynamics. It involves a high-order system with clearance and friction nonlinearities at the mounting interfaces of payloads on a full-scale F-16 aircraft.
Experiment Details: - Event: Siemens LMS Ground Vibration Testing Master Class - Date: September 2014 - Location: Saffraanberg military base, Sint-Truiden, Belgium
During the test, two dummy payloads were mounted on the wing tips of the F-16 to simulate the mass and inertia of real devices typically equipped on the aircraft during flight. Accelerometers were installed on the aircraft structure to capture vibration data. A shaker was placed under the right wing to apply input signals. The key source of nonlinearity in the system was identified as the mounting interfaces of the payloads, particularly the right-wing-to-payload interface, which exhibited significant nonlinear distortions.
Data and Resources: - Data Availability: The dataset, including detailed system descriptions, estimation and test data sets, and setup images, is available for download in both .csv and .mat file formats. - Reference: For in-depth information on the F-16 benchmark, refer to: J.P. Noël and M. Schoukens, "F-16 aircraft benchmark based on ground vibration test data," 2017 Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, pp. 19-23, Brussels, Belgium, April 24-26, 2017.
The goal of this notebook is to illustrate how SysIdentPy can be applied to such complex datasets, showcasing its capabilities in modeling and analysis. For a thorough exploration of the benchmark and its methodologies, please consult the provided resources and references.
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions.
- Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
SysIdentPy Configuration¶
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS
from sysidentpy.basis_function._basis_function import Polynomial
from sysidentpy.parameter_estimation import LeastSquares
from sysidentpy.metrics import root_relative_squared_error
from sysidentpy.utils.display_results import results
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_residues_correlation, plot_results
from sysidentpy.residues.residues_correlation import (
f_16 = pd.read_csv(r"examples/datasets/f-16.txt", header=None, names=["x1", "x2", "y"])
f_16[["x1", "x2"]][0:500].plot(figsize=(12, 8))
>>> (32768, 3)

The following code is to split the dataset into training and test sets
x1_id, x1_val = f_16["x1"][0:16384].values.reshape(-1, 1), f_16["x1"][
].values.reshape(-1, 1)
x2_id, x2_val = f_16["x2"][0:16384].values.reshape(-1, 1), f_16["x2"][
].values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_id = np.concatenate([x1_id, x2_id], axis=1)
x_val = np.concatenate([x1_val, x2_val], axis=1)
y_id, y_val = f_16["y"][0:16384].values.reshape(-1, 1), f_16["y"][
].values.reshape(-1, 1)
We will set the lags for both inputs as
and build a NARX model as follows
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
estimator = LeastSquares()
model = FROLS(
xlag=[x1lag, x2lag],
model.fit(X=x_id, y=y_id)
y_hat = model.predict(X=x_val, y=y_val)
rrse = root_relative_squared_error(y_val, y_hat)
r = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Regressors", "Parameters", "ERR"],
The RRSE is \(0.2910\)
Regressors | Parameters | ERR |
y(k-1) | 1.8387E+00 | 9.43378253E-01 |
y(k-2) | -1.8938E+00 | 1.95167599E-02 |
y(k-3) | 1.3337E+00 | 1.02432261E-02 |
y(k-6) | -1.6038E+00 | 8.03485985E-03 |
y(k-9) | 2.6776E-01 | 9.27874557E-04 |
x2(k-7) | -2.2385E+01 | 3.76837313E-04 |
x1(k-1) | 8.2709E+00 | 6.81508210E-04 |
x2(k-3) | 1.0587E+02 | 1.57459800E-03 |
x1(k-8) | -3.7975E+00 | 7.35086279E-04 |
x2(k-1) | 8.5725E+01 | 4.85358786E-04 |
y(k-7) | 1.3955E+00 | 2.77245281E-04 |
y(k-5) | 1.3219E+00 | 8.64120037E-04 |
y(k-10) | -2.9306E-01 | 8.51717688E-04 |
y(k-4) | -9.5479E-01 | 7.23623116E-04 |
y(k-8) | -7.1309E-01 | 4.44988077E-04 |
y(k-12) | -3.0437E-01 | 1.49743148E-04 |
y(k-11) | 4.8602E-01 | 3.34613282E-04 |
y(k-13) | -8.2442E-02 | 1.43738964E-04 |
y(k-15) | -1.6762E-01 | 1.25546584E-04 |
x1(k-2) | -8.9698E+00 | 9.76699739E-05 |
y(k-17) | 2.2036E-02 | 4.55983807E-05 |
y(k-14) | 2.4900E-01 | 1.10314107E-04 |
y(k-19) | -6.8239E-03 | 1.99734771E-05 |
x2(k-9) | -9.6265E+01 | 2.98523208E-05 |
x2(k-8) | 2.2620E+02 | 2.34402543E-04 |
x2(k-2) | -2.3609E+02 | 1.04172323E-04 |
y(k-20) | -5.4663E-02 | 5.37895336E-05 |
x2(k-6) | -2.3651E+02 | 2.11392628E-05 |
x2(k-4) | 1.7378E+02 | 2.18396315E-05 |
x1(k-7) | 4.9862E+00 | 2.03811842E-05 |
plot_results(y=y_val, yhat=y_hat, n=1000)
ee = compute_residues_autocorrelation(y_val, y_hat)
plot_residues_correlation(data=ee, title="Residues", ylabel="$e^2$")
x1e = compute_cross_correlation(y_val, y_hat, x_val[:, 0])
plot_residues_correlation(data=x1e, title="Residues", ylabel="$x_1e$")
PV Forecasting¶
In this case study, we evaluate SysIdentPy's capabilities for forecasting solar irradiance data, which can serve as a proxy for solar photovoltaic (PV) production. The objective is to demonstrate that SysIdentPy provides a competitive alternative for time series modeling, rather than claiming superiority over other libraries.
Dataset Overview¶
The dataset used in this analysis consists of solar irradiance measurements, which are crucial for predicting solar PV production. Solar irradiance refers to the power of solar radiation received per unit area at the Earth's surface, typically measured in watts per square meter (W/m²). Accurate forecasting of solar irradiance is essential for optimizing energy production and managing grid stability in solar power systems.
Dataset Details: - Source: The dataset can be accessed from the NeuralProphet GitHub repository. - Time Frame: The dataset covers a continuous period with frequent measurements. - Variables: Solar irradiance values over time, which will be used to model and forecast future irradiance levels.
Comparison with Other Libraries¶
To assess the effectiveness of SysIdentPy, we will compare its performance with the NeuralProphet library. NeuralProphet is known for its flexibility and ability to capture complex seasonal patterns and trends, making it a suitable benchmark for this task.
For the comparison, we will use the following methods:
- NeuralProphet:
The configuration for NeuralProphet models will be based on examples provided in the NeuralProphet documentation. This library employs advanced techniques for capturing temporal patterns and forecasting.
- MetaMSS (Meta-heuristic Model Structure Selection): Utilizes metaheuristic algorithms to determine the optimal model structure.
- AOLS (Accelerated Orthogonal Least Squares): A method designed for selecting relevant regressors in a model.
- FROLS (Forward Regression with Orthogonal Least Squares, using polynomial base functions): A regression technique that incorporates polynomial terms to enhance model selection.
The goal of this case study is to compare the performance of SysIdentPy's forecasting methods with NeuralProphet. We will specifically focus on:
- 1-Step Ahead Forecasting: Evaluating the models' ability to predict the next time step in the series based on historical data.
We will train our models on 80% of the dataset and reserve the remaining 20% for validation purposes. This setup ensures that we test the models' performance on unseen data.
Required Packages and Versions¶
To ensure that you can replicate this case study, it is essential to use specific versions of the required packages. Below is a list of the packages along with their respective versions needed for running the case studies effectively.
To install all the required packages, you can create a requirements.txt
file with the following content:
Then, install the packages using:
- Ensure that you use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts between package versions. This practice isolates your project’s dependencies and prevents version conflicts with other projects or system-wide packages. Additionally, be aware that some packages, such as
, may install several dependencies automatically during their installation. Setting up a virtual environment helps manage these dependencies more effectively and keeps your project environment clean and reproducible. - Versions specified are based on compatibility with the code examples provided. If you are using different versions, some adjustments in the code might be necessary.
- Data Preparation: Load and preprocess the solar irradiance dataset.
- Model Training: Apply the chosen methods from SysIdentPy and NeuralProphet to the training data.
- Evaluation: Assess the forecasting accuracy of each model on the validation set.
By comparing these approaches, we aim to showcase SysIdentPy as a viable option for time series forecasting, highlighting its strengths and versatility in practical applications.
Let’s start by importing the necessary libraries and setting up the environment for this analysis.
from warnings import simplefilter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import FROLS
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import AOLS
from sysidentpy.model_structure_selection import MetaMSS
from sysidentpy.basis_function import Polynomial
from sysidentpy.utils.plotting import plot_results
from sysidentpy.neural_network import NARXNN
from sysidentpy.metrics import mean_squared_error
from neuralprophet import NeuralProphet
from neuralprophet import set_random_seed
simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
%matplotlib inline
loss = mean_squared_error
data_location = r".\datasets"
Neural Prophet¶
files = ["\SanFrancisco_PV_GHI.csv", "\SanFrancisco_Hospital.csv"]
raw = pd.read_csv(data_location + files[0])
df = pd.DataFrame()
df["ds"] = pd.date_range("1/1/2015 1:00:00", freq=str(60) + "Min", periods=(8760))
df["y"] = raw.iloc[:, 0].values
m = NeuralProphet(
metrics = m.fit(df, freq="H", valid_p=0.2)
df_train, df_val = m.split_df(df, valid_p=0.2)
future = m.make_future_dataframe(df_val, n_historic_predictions=True)
forecast = m.predict(future)
print(loss(forecast["y"][24:-1], forecast["yhat1"][24:-1]))
plt.plot(forecast["y"][-104:], "ro-")
plt.plot(forecast["yhat1"][-104:], "k*-")
The error is \(MSE=4642.23\) and will be used as baseline in this case. Lets check how SysIdentPy methods handle this data.
files = ["\SanFrancisco_PV_GHI.csv", "\SanFrancisco_Hospital.csv"]
raw = pd.read_csv(data_location + files[0])
df = pd.DataFrame()
df["ds"] = pd.date_range("1/1/2015 1:00:00", freq=str(60) + "Min", periods=(8760))
df["y"] = raw.iloc[:, 0].values
df_train, df_val = df.iloc[:7008, :], df.iloc[7008:, :]
y = df["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_train = df_train["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = df_val["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_train = df_train["ds"].dt.hour.values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_test = df_val["ds"].dt.hour.values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
sysidentpy = FROLS(
sysidentpy.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-sysidentpy.max_lag :], x_test])
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-sysidentpy.max_lag :], y_test])
yhat = sysidentpy.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test, steps_ahead=1)
sysidentpy_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[sysidentpy.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[sysidentpy.max_lag :]),
plot_results(y=y_test[-104:], yhat=yhat[-104:])
The \(MSE=3869.34\) for this case.
files = ["\SanFrancisco_PV_GHI.csv", "\SanFrancisco_Hospital.csv"]
raw = pd.read_csv(data_location + files[0])
df = pd.DataFrame()
df["ds"] = pd.date_range("1/1/2015 1:00:00", freq=str(60) + "Min", periods=(8760))
df["y"] = raw.iloc[:, 0].values
df_train, df_val = df.iloc[:7008, :], df.iloc[7008:, :]
y = df["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_train = df_train["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = df_val["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_train = df_train["ds"].dt.hour.values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_test = df_val["ds"].dt.hour.values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
estimator = LeastSquares()
sysidentpy_metamss = MetaMSS(
sysidentpy_metamss.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :], x_test])
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :], y_test])
yhat = sysidentpy_metamss.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test, steps_ahead=1)
metamss_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[sysidentpy_metamss.max_lag :]),
plot_results(y=y_test[-104:], yhat=yhat[-104:])
The MetaMSS algorithm was able to select a better model in this case, as can be observed in the error metric, \(MSE=2157.77\).
files = ["\SanFrancisco_PV_GHI.csv", "\SanFrancisco_Hospital.csv"]
raw = pd.read_csv(data_location + files[0])
df = pd.DataFrame()
df["ds"] = pd.date_range("1/1/2015 1:00:00", freq=str(60) + "Min", periods=(8760))
df["y"] = raw.iloc[:, 0].values
df_train, df_val = df.iloc[:7008, :], df.iloc[7008:, :]
y = df["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_train = df_train["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = df_val["y"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_train = df_train["ds"].dt.hour.values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_test = df_val["ds"].dt.hour.values.reshape(-1, 1)
basis_function = Polynomial(degree=1)
sysidentpy_AOLS = AOLS(
ylag=24, xlag=24, k=2, L=1, model_type="NARMAX", basis_function=basis_function
sysidentpy_AOLS.fit(X=x_train, y=y_train)
x_test = np.concatenate([x_train[-sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :], x_test])
y_test = np.concatenate([y_train[-sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :], y_test])
yhat = sysidentpy_AOLS.predict(X=x_test, y=y_test, steps_ahead=1)
aols_loss = loss(
pd.Series(y_test.flatten()[sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :]),
pd.Series(yhat.flatten()[sysidentpy_AOLS.max_lag :]),
plot_results(y=y_test[-104:], yhat=yhat[-104:])
The error now is \(MSE=2361.56\).